Antonio Mexia
CEO of Energias de Portugal
Energy / Portugal
“We do better when we work together”
Chinese-Portuguese relations have recently intensified. How would you describe this phase of the relationship?
This relationship is very much guided by Chinese investment in Portugal, which is strongly anchored in the economy. All this indicates confidence in Portugal’s credibility and stability, and the visibility of what we offer. It demonstrates the openness you can expect from our progressive country. Portugal takes a prudent, pragmatic approach to globalisation and China is a key partner.
What is your outlook for EDP’s partnership with China Three Gorges?
It will be successful. It has opened up markets that Portuguese companies have difficulty accessing. I like the long-term vision that comes with the Chinese approach to investment, combined with our focus on short-term execution. That is a good mix. We do better when we work together.
What made EDP CTG’s partner of choice?
EDP has a wide network, it is present in 13 countries, and it generates 67 percent of its energy from renewable sources like wind and hydro. This falls in line with CTG’s globalisation efforts and their view of the role of clean energy. EDP and CTG combined are the world’s biggest generator of clean energy. Globally, we have a common vision for technology, particularly when we talk about renewables and other future solutions. EDP’s size and expertise make it an ideal partner for CTG.
How are EDP and CTG looking to diversify geographically?
Brazil, of course, is a key market. The recent Purchase and Sale Agreement to develop the São Manoel hydro power plant on the border of Mato Grosso and Pará States falls in line with CTG’s total €2 billion investment for operating ready-to-build renewable energy generation projects. Apart from hydro, we are exploring wind power in Brazil. We are also exploring the renewable energy potential of other territories, especially Portuguese-speaking countries.